Company TRINOVA has performed works on illumination of Stroikredit bank’s central office located to the address: Moscow, Krasnaya Presnya St. 22.
The structure of works:
Trinova company executed the lighting project of office spaces of the main department of the country.
Trinova company has carried out the illumination project for a VIP-zone of the DVI investment company office
Office lighting project for Chr. Hansen company
Company TRINOVA has performed works on illumination of office of REIMA company located in Krasnoproletarsky Street, 16 /2, entr.5
Trinova company completed the project of office lighting for company Orange.
Company TRINOVA has executed delivery of the lighting equipment for Business centre "Bolshaya Dmitrovka"
Trinova company implemented office lighting project for Roche Diagnostics Rus
Lighting project: Office of Soyuzkontrakt