TRINOVA Company has performed works on illumination of office of REIMA company located in Krasnoproletarsky Street, 16 /2, entr.5.
The structure of works:
TRILUX, RZB, REGENT equipment were used in the project.
Company TRINOVA has performed works on illumination of the central office of MDM Bank, which is situated in Moscow, Kotelnichesky emb., 33, build.1
Entrances and reception area lighting
TRINOVA Company has manufactured and mounted the LED luster for the Gazprom Company main office`s restaurant
Company TRINOVA has performed works on illumination of the bank HSBC located to the address Lesnaya street, 5
Trinova company implemented the project of office lighting for MegaLabs office
Office lighting project for Mosnarbank office
TRINOVA company has accomplished the lighting works for the AKRON company’s office, which is situated at Lootch Business Center, B.Pirogovsky 27
Trinova company has carried out the illumination project for a VIP-zone of the DVI investment company office
TRINOVA company has accomplished the lighting works for entrance groups at Burevestnik Business Center, 3-rd Rybinsky 18
Company TRINOVA has executed delivery of the lighting equipment for Business centre "Bolshaya Dmitrovka"
Lighting project: Office of Soyuzkontrakt
Company TRINOVA has executed he modernization of illumination of an office of the head of the Ministry of regional development of the Russian Federation