Museum and its collection is a tribute to the German fighters for liberation from fascism .
After a thorough acquaintance with exposition and deep immersion in the drama presented subjects (many thanks to art historians and tour guides), on the first stage, we had developed a brand new concept, artistic light.
We have designed a location and busbars offered the most modern museum lights with LED- light source and the maximum color rendition Ra = 0,95. The endorsement ended with general approval. As a result, the Museum of us were put track Nordic and Concord Beacon Muse lighting fixtures. Total savings in electricity consumption allows to establish the Museum of modern, powerful air conditioning system. Lifetime exposure luminaires can not attract maintenance personnel more than 15 years. Artistic production of light as the finishing touch to our participation , led to a complete triumph and words of gratitude not only leadership, but also of all the museum staff. Light we have helped reveal new secrets exhibits previously hidden shadows.
Working with the Museum is not complete and will be continued.