+ 7 (495) 989-29-10
Lighting project of KIT mall public areasTrinova have completed project of the modernisation of mall areas lighting in "Red Whale" shopping center
Lighting project for "Majordomo" shopThe Trinova company completed lighting project for the store of household goods "Majordomo", Omsk
Lighting project for APART shopThe Trinova company implemented the lighting project for clothing store "APART", Saratov
Memorial Museum of German anti-fascists Lighting ProjectMemorial Museum of German anti-fascists, Krasnogosk city. Branch of the Museum of the Great Patriotic War
Restaurant lighting projectTrinova company implemented the project of lighting for the restaurant La Terrazza, Sochi
MTS Office Lighting ProjectEntrances and reception area lighting
Nissan dealership lighting projectLighting project - Nissan - Autoworld dealership
LEE Wrangler retail lighting projectShop Lighting project for legendary brand Lee Wrangler, SC Gallery, St. Petersburg
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Trinova Lighting Solutions
Russia, Moscow, Nikoloyamskaya 40/1
+ 7 (495) 989-29-10
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