Высокий уровень зрительного комфорта и биологически активное освещение в офисах нового здания фармацевтической компании MEDICE (Изерлон, Германия) создают светильники «LUCTRA VITAWORK» фирмы DURABLE Hunke & Jochheim GmbH & Co. KG.
Дизайн - студия yellow design (Кёльн)
Компания MEDICE Arzneimittel Pütter GmbH & Co KG, недавно отметившая свое 70-летие, входит в число трех германских ведущих производителей высококачественных фармацевтических препаратов (продукция экспортируется в 34 страны). Бизнес компании успешно развивается: если в 2004 году годовой объем оборота составлял 45 млн. евро, то в 2016 он вырос до 187 млн. евро ; численность персонала за этот период возросла с 260 до 488 чел., что потребовало увеличения рабочих площадей.
В конце 2018 года в Изерлоне введено в эксплуатацию новое здание управления компании, построенное по проекту архитектора J. Pablo Molestina (Кёльн). Полезная площадь помещений в новом 4-этажном здании – 2700 м2.
Во всех офисах комфортную, гибко регулируемую световую среду создали светильники «Luctra Vitawork» удостоенные трех дизайнерских премий.
Одним из лауреатов конкурса «German Innovation Award 2019» стал напольный светильник «Luctra Vitawork». «Золотой» приз "GOLD Excellence in Business to Business - Lighting Solutions" был вручён фирме DURABLE. (это уже третья награда светильнику после «German Design Award 2019» и «Iconic Award 2019» ).
Оценка жюри конкурса:
Преимущества светильника LUCTRA VITAWORK при использовании в современном офисе:
A long-term study by the Fraunhofer Institute shows why good lighting in the workplace ensures greater performance and more loyalty to the employer - the ergonomic and individual design of the workplace has long been a major advantage in the fight for the most motivated and loyal employees on the agenda. It does not matter whether the workplace is a flexible desk in the metropolitan area, a comfortable two-person office or a modern open space. Employers increasingly need to work with discerning employees who value a healthy work-life balance and are now setting their work-life blending standards at almost the same level as their own home.
The different work situations have an effect on well-being and performance. An important factor in the assessment of one's own working environment is the light. "Office settings", a long-term study within the research project "Office 21" of the Fraunhofer Institute, shows the importance of light as an influencing factor on the satisfaction with the office environment. The glaring or inadequate lighting of the workplace was rated by the subjects as a significant influencing factor, which decisively influences the satisfaction in the workplace. The study, which will continue in the form of an online survey until 2020, also shows that satisfaction with office design has a greater impact on well-being and motivation than, for example, independence from work. A satisfied employee is therefore more motivated and more efficient. The office environment is therefore potentially an important field of action for companies to positively influence employees. Of 922 respondents, only 20 percent said they were very satisfied with their office environment. The result shows the enormous room for maneuver.
About the satisfaction and attractiveness with the work and office design one can win qualified coworkers and bind to itself. The creation of a pleasant, healthy and standard-compliant lighting is an uncomplicated way thanks to state-of-the-art LED technology. In addition, modern lighting solutions can also take into account the individual needs of each user. Table lamps are therefore a good and long-term way to increase job satisfaction. According to your own requirements, the light can be intuitively adjusted and thus provides the best visual requirements without being intrusive.
In addition to the table lamps, LUCTRA supplies VITAWORK, a floor lamp that, thanks to the combination of direct and indirect lighting, is particularly suitable for the uniform illumination of the entire office space. The LEDs installed in the luminaire head provide energy-efficient either asymmetric or symmetrical light distribution via a light panel. Depending on the size of the room, VITAWORK is available with three different luminous fluxes for optimum adaptation to the room size. The control can be done in addition to the operation of the touch panel both a light intensity and presence sensor.
The LUCTRA range of luminaires offers a variety of options for meeting room-specific lighting needs. Upon request, the TABLE and T ABLE PRO table lamps will recreate the natural course of daylight. The built-in LEDs provide different light colors and can thus support the various phases of the user's performance. In addition, they are dimmable. With the TABLE PRO variant even the control via the app helps to create the light according to your personal needs. With flexible room design and agile teams, the App makes it easy to take the light setting to any other LUCTRA-equipped workplace.While the presence sensor reacts to movements, the light intensity sensor permanently compensates for natural daylight and room brightness. The LED light of the VITAWORK adapts itself automatically for a consistently high quality of light. The new LUCTRA floor lamp meets the requirements of both DIN EN 12464-1 and ASR 3.4. The LUCTRA floor lamp therefore combines several advantages of a light source. It provides optimal illumination of the different rooms as a good prerequisite for a pleasant and supportive work environment. With its high-power LEDs and sensor control, it also offers potential for energy savings of up to 80 percent. Positive effect of LUCTRA light detected
That the light of the LUCTRA table lamps has a positive influence on the performance and satisfaction.