The project included the following services:
Shop Lighting project for legendary brand Lee Wrangler, SC Gallery, St. Petersburg
Efficient lighting for equipment and clothing store Salomon
TRINOVA Company has performed works on illumination of the shop Timeout
Company TRINOVA has performed works oт illumination of Central Department Store OUTLET in Shopping center MEGA
TRINOVA company has accomplished the lighting works for the Lancome beauty cabin at the Ile de Beaute shop, which is situated at 8 March street, Ekaterinburg
Trinova performed works on illumination of Quiksilver store
TRINOVA Company has carried out the illumination works for Blumarine shop, Moscow
TRINOVA Company is carrying out the illumination projects for Zolla chain stores
Salesroom Lighting Mothercare store in the mall Aura
Company TRINOVA has performed works on designing of the concept of illumination of discounts-centers Nike in Russia.
TRINOVA Company has performed works on the illumination of the shop Schumacher
The Trinova company completed lighting project for the store of household goods "Majordomo", Omsk